Standard Bracket
(STD-BRKT) The standard bracket bolts directly to either side of our vacuum hose reels and comes standard on both sizes of our solution reels.
Single Stand
(-S) The single stand is self supporting and can be used to make the reel portable or to simplify installation. The single stand will also accommodate live operation of the reels.
Dual Stand
(-DS) The dual stand is self supporting and will provide more hose capacity than the single stand. The Dual Stand will also permit independent live operation of the reels.
Wall Mount
(-WM) The wall mount bracket is available for the convenient installation of the reel to the wall or door of the van. The reel still can be equipped to operate live.
Stack Bracket
(SB) The stack bracket mounts to either side of our vacuum storage reel, allowing the space-saving convenience of double stacking two solution reels on the same side of the vacuum reel. The stack bracket will not add to the overall dimensions of the vac reel.