Electric Storage Reels

Electric Storage Reels


Electric Re-Wind
With a push of the button, the electric motor quickly winds up the hose, saving time and effort. All reels are pre-drilled to accept our solution reels and are fully compatible with all of our hose reel accessories. Reels are fully assembled and include 12 volt dc motor, drive, belt, pre-wired switch and power leads. 12 volt time-delay fuse required.

SKU: N/A Categories: ,


Now available Powder Coated

Live Options
Save even more time and effort with your electric re-wind vacuum reel by making it live vacuum or live vacuum and live solution. These options eliminate the need to attach and un-attach your vacuum and solution hose from the truck mount to the reel, and by adding both of these options, you can spool the vacuum and solution hoses together simply by pushing the electric re-wind button.

Additional information

Weight 110 lbs
Hose Capacity

V38-150-E, V38-200-E, V38-300-E, V49-200-E, V49-250-E, V49-300-E, V49-400-E